Does ForeUI only work with the legacy OSX 1.6 JVM? The FAQ states
“First make sure you have installed JRE6 or above in your system, ….”
I’ve got JVM’s for 1.7 and 1.8 installed, but ForeUI will not start.
2 answers
Hi Eric,
ForeUI will support Java 7+ since V4.0. The beta version will be released very soon.
Meanwhile, installing the legacy 1.6 JVM doesn’t hurt at all. Other applications will still work on JRE 1.7 or 1.8, if they could. For now you can just install the legacy 1.6 JVM to run ForeUI.
ForeUI V4.0 beta is released today, and since this version, ForeUI works on Java 1.7 and above. So the legacy JVM is no more needed.