
Reload theme is wrongly placed as it moves all the other controls.

Not usable at all and also risky as it can reset all my settings.

Allow disabling it in the settings page.

4 answers

Hi Kfir, I guess you mean the “Reload Style from UI Theme” button?

From V3, every element will try to take some basic rendering parameters (background color, opacity, font etc.) from UI theme if you do not explicitly specify those parameters. That’s how the style of element can be changed by UI theme.

Imagine you have a button in Mac OS style and you changed its background color by mistake. Clicking the “Reload Style from UI theme” button will be the fastest way to restore the parameters from UI theme and make the button looks like “Mac OS” button again.

This button only affact the current selected elements.


I understand this. the problem is that this button doesn’t appear on a freshly created control. then, after changing some settings, it appears and shifts down all the other controls.

for example, create a text box and try changing it’s text size using the stepper.

You will see that after the first click it shift down and you to relocate it.

I would place it below all other control so it doesn’t changes the layout all the time.


I agree. Placing it at the bottom is better.


We moved that button to bottom V3.0RC


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