
I’d like a “real” menu bar element. As of now you have to build the menu your self and that means defining a lot of behaviour.

Do you have a real menu bar element in your pipeline?

The current menu bar element is edited like this:


I’m not sure how to edit the “real” menu bar, but it could be something like this:


Menu command1

Menu command2

Menu command3

Menu command4

[TAB]Submenu command1

[TAB]Submenu command2

[TAB][TAB]Subsubmenu command1

[TAB]Submenu command2

Menu command5



Menu command1

Menu command2



Menu command1

Menu command2

[TAB]Submenu command1

I built a ForeUI prototype for a usability test, at the users commented on the menu behaviour (you have to click to open a submenu and not just do a mouse over), and it would be great to be able to insert a “real” menu.

It would be very useful for defining large right-click menus as well!

Thanks in advance! 😉

3 answers

Very good idea!

We will consider a solution to implement the multilevel menu and menu bar elements.


The multilevel menu element is available in newly released V2.27. A menu bar + multilevel menu is the “real” menu bar you want 😀


That i so cool! Can’t wait to play with it 😀


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