It would be great if I could setFocus was an option when operating on an element. I’d like to have a PageLoaded event that sets focus on a particular field. Thank you!
4 answers
Thanks for the idea 🙂
I think this new action should be available in TextEditBox and Spinner (Value Stepper).
Why do we have this action limited to TextEditBox and Spinner? I want to set the focus on a list and currently there seems no way to do so. I tried the set Focused_Element_Id and it does not seem to work. I hope I am missing something. If this does not work, I have to go use the dreaded Microsoft Expression Blend.
I would also like to see this expanded to more element types like comboboxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.
We will consider that, thanks.
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What's your purpose to set focus to a List element then?