The running environment is Windows 10.
The version of ForeUI is 4.40 SP1
1. I can’t set the custom properties name and type in the custom properties window(click or click right button on property1). see the image below.
2. I can’t set the property value to “0” it show the property1 value is “”
Run Simulation the value of Property1 is “”
3 answers
Hi, you are trying to set a property, whose name is the value of {Property1}. I guess it is not what you want.
In order to set the value of property “Property1”, you should do it like this:
And the behavior should look like this:
Hi Vivi, Because I can't set the property name and type in the custom property window. So the name of the property appeal as the initial name and type(property1 and string).I tried to modify the name and type of the property, but it can't change to edit mode. Can you get it?The OS is Windows 10 and ForeUI version 4.40SP1
Hi Vivi, Because I can’t set the property name and type in the custom property window below. So the name of the property appeal as the initial name and type(property1 and string).I tried to modify the name and type of the property, but it can’t change to edit mode(click, right click, press enter………). Can you get it?The OS is Windows 10 and ForeUI version 4.40SP1
You just need to single click the property to select it, and its details will be displayed in the view under it. The name, type and value are editable there.
If you can not see that view, maybe the splitter between two views are dragged to the bottom accidentally.