


New Feature: New vertical tabs element.

New Feature: Page manage window and element selector window can be pinned and keep opened.

Enhancement: ComboBox supports “Selected Index” property.

Enhancement: ComboBox supports “Selection Changed” event.

Enhancement: ComboBox supports “Set Selected Index” action.

Enhancement: Ctrl+Click to bring up context menu in Mac OS X.

Enhancement: Command+Click to remove element from selection in Mac OS X.

Enhancement: Store last modify time in .4ui and .fce files for future usage.

Bug_0117: Page name editing should be stopped when closing the page manage window.

Bug_0118: Page information in status bar is not correct if switching page in “Page Loaded” event handler.

Bug_0119: Empty tab in Tabs element can not be selected in simulation.

2 answers

Hi, I am evaluating this – I like it a lot, and I have compared it too many tools (including balsamiq).

Testing export to DHTML – the Calendar component does not appear in Firefox 3.5.6 (only version of FF tested) – it appears as an empty box.

Works fine in IE8.


Thanks Tim, we’ve confirmed that is a bug. It is recorded as Bug_0121 and will be fixed soon.


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