


New Feature: New Scrollable Container element.

New Feature: Can show/hide each rounded corner of Rectangle element.

Enhancement: Holding right mouse key to drag elements can ignore the snapping system.

Enhancement: Pressing the region out side of the plot can clear the current selection.

Bug_0206: Can not select group member if the position of group is locked.

Bug_0207: Select an embedded element and move mouse over its border, the cursor should change to suggest resizing.

Bug_0208: Can not select embedded element if the zoom ratio is not 100%.

Bug_0209: Dragging embedded element should not move the container element.

Bug_0210: Vertical aligned text label element with mutirow content has wrong layout in editing mode.

Bug_0211: Pressing the “Auto Sizing” button for text label element, the size should be calculated according to current element width.

Bug_0212: Custom element with 45×45 size takes 100×100 space in the element categories.

Bug_0213: Set text with contains continuous spaces to Text Label in simulation, only one space will take effect.

1 answer

Nice to see that you keep delivering enhancements and bug fixes. However, 2.32 was no revolution for me, as I can’t find use for the Scrollable Container.

Anyway, keep up the good work!


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