When focus is in the Behavior editor you cannot use the hotkeys, e.g. CTRL + R to run the simulation.This is quite annoying because after adding or changing something in the behavior I have to click in somewhere else to move focus to be able to use the hotkey.
Yes bro I agree with you. looking for options.https://www.hvaclancaster.com/
3 answers
Hi Ulrich, I just tried that on OS X and Windows, but none of them could reproduce the issue you mentioned. I can always use CTRL+R to run simulation, when my focus is in behavior editor. It maybe irrelevant but what Look and Feel are you using for ForeUI itself? I am thinking maybe some L&F may affect that.
I'm using javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel on a Windows 7 64 Bit PC.I just tried to run ForeUI with the default look and feel, but the issue is still there. I cannot use CTRL + R or CTRL + T for instance when focus is in the behavior editor...
I am using Windows 7 64 Bit PC as well, but I could not reproduce it. Those hotkeys are working well on my end. Is it possible that you installed other software that intercepts the hotkey?
I'm using Autohotkey, but I have used that for a long period of time without any hotkey problems in ForeUI.
ForeUI's hotkey processing has not changed for quite long time. Have you recently updated Autohotkey? If you exit Autohotkey, will the problem disappear?
I have undocked the Behavior editor to have more room for my plot.When I dock it, the Hotkeys work fine.
Yes, undocking the behavior editor will have this problem. I just reproduced it. We will investigate it and see what we could do.
Great! :)
I think we did. I have impression that we have fixed it before, but can’t remember in which version.
Just tried it in Mac OS X, both docking and undocking behavior editor doesn’t have this problem.
Also tried in Windows 7, docking behavior editor is OK, while undocking behavior editor is not. We will look into it again.