I want to create a simulation of a hardware product that is essentially a state machine. Is it possible to implement something like this in ForeUI? I know that custom event handlers can be created and that JavaScript functions can be called. Is it possible for the implementation to have global memory so that its overall state is retained while the simulation is running? Perhaps there are better tools for doing this, but I have not found anything with the simplicity and ease of use of ForeUI. I want to spend time on my design, not on learning yet another complicated design tool.
1 answer
Of course you can implement something like this with ForeUI. If you don’t need the state to be kept after simulation is closed, you can just put the state into user defined properties: http://www.foreui.com/doc/html/element_and_global_property.htm
If you wish the state to be perminently stored and get restored everytime you run the simulation, you can use the local storage element: http://www.foreui.com/doc/html/local_storage.htm
Here is an example that uses local storage element to store the state and synchronize multiple instances: http://www.foreui.com/store/items/local_sync/preview/