
I have a few comments about the “Custom Element Info” dialog that is opened through the “Pack Selection As Custom Element…” button:

  • There is no need to show the .fce extension.
  • There is no need to have both filename and title.
  • There is no need to show the author fiels. Instead the author name could be a global setting.
  • The window title should be changed
  • The description field should be empty by default.

Here’s a mock-up:

6 answers

Thanks for the suggestion 🙂

I think it is better to keep the current design. The file name and author fields provide the flexibility to set the file name and author name, which is useful when you need to share .fce files with others.


“The file name and author fields provide the flexibility to set the file name and author name, which is useful when you need to share .fce files with others.”

Sharing with others in the ForeUI “Resource Sharing” or sharing the files manually?

I still can not see why the Element Title is not enough.

And I can’t see the need to change my name when creating a custom element.

  • Could you at least remove the .fce file extension?
  • And please make the description field empty by default.
  1. The title of the element may not be unique as there could be multiple revisions for it. When sharing the element to others or upload to the community, you will still specify the file name.

    Some companies and universities install ForeUI on one machine for multiple users' usage. So the user might want to change author name.

Ok, point taken 🙂

But please respond to the all my comments. This is the 3rd time I write this:

  • Could you at least remove the .fce file extension?
  • And please make the description field empty by default

Hi Ulrich,

The two points you suggested are minor, and we are not sure how other users will think about such a modification. Some may think omitting the .fce extension is confusing; a meaningless default description is not always bad as it might force author to input a better one. These are vary with each individual, so the status of this suggestion is “undecided” and we keep this thread open to receive more users’ opinions.


I think Ulrich should pay $$$ to get his own customised version of ForeUI! 😉

  1. Tim, it's the other way around: EaSynth should pay me $$$ for having improved the usability of ForeUI... :)

Yes, these are minor changes. However, they annoy me every time I create a Custom element:

.fce extension
– Until now, I have been careful to leave the .fce extension when entering the title name. I just found out that the extension is automatically added even though it’s not in the “Title name” field. So why show the .fce extension in the field? Showing the extension is more confusing than not showing it.

– I always delete the default text, because it is meaningless. However I always insert a hyphen (-) because the description for some unknown reason is mandatory. The description field should not be mandatory.

The dialog for viewing/editing the element info is by the way not correctly designed. It is too small.


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