
I would prefer a checkbox instead of the new Clip Art toggle button. Simply because I have a hard time figuring out what the icon is trying to tell me. I Clip Art currently enabled or disabled?

Mock-up to the right:

2 answers

Hi Ulrich,

The checkbox is usually used for tweaking element’s attribute (such as visibility), while “ClipArt” is not an attribute of element. Instead the button actually launch a command to create/destroy a ClipArt element, which is very similar with the Group/Ungroup button.

The icon on that button is quite straight forward, in your screenshot, 3 color blocks are separated, means clicking this button will destroy your ClipArt and release its members. If you select non-ClipArt elements, the icon is a canvas with 3 tightly joined color blocks, which means clicking this button will create a ClipArt for your current selection.

You may also check the element id to confirm if a ClipArt is selected or not.


“The checkbox is usually used for tweaking element’s attribute (such as visibility), while “ClipArt” is not an attribute of element. Instead the button actually launch a command to create/destroy a ClipArt element, which is very similar with the Group/Ungroup button.”

That is a technical argument, and I doubt that any users will know the difference from an attribute and the launch of a command. To me visible yes/no and clip art yes/no are similar.

The icon on that button is quite straight forward …

I do not find it straight forward. Maybe the problem begins with the term “Clip Art”, which is not straight forward either. “Interactive” would be a better word, as I do not need to “translate” it into something else.

  1. ClipArt is "not interactive" actually, it will become a static picture in the simulation.

    It is just like pasting elements on a paper to make a picture, which is very similar with Clip Art.
  2. <i>"ClipArt is "not interactive" actually, it will become a static picture in the simulation."</i>

    I understand that, and I suggest that you replace the button with an checkbox called "Interactive" which is checked by default.
  3. The checkbox implies that "interactive" is an attribute of element. People will think unchecking this checkbox one by one for 10 elements can get the same result than unchecking this checkbox for 10 selected elements a time, which unfortunately is not correct. We don't want to confuse people, and we think using a command that wraps elements as static picture is a correct concept.
  4. Ok, I did not understand, that elements can be grouped into one clip art-group. I'll read your blog more thoroughly from now one... :)

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