I would prefer a checkbox instead of the new Clip Art toggle button. Simply because I have a hard time figuring out what the icon is trying to tell me. I Clip Art currently enabled or disabled?
Mock-up to the right:
2 answers
Hi Ulrich,
The checkbox is usually used for tweaking element’s attribute (such as visibility), while “ClipArt” is not an attribute of element. Instead the button actually launch a command to create/destroy a ClipArt element, which is very similar with the Group/Ungroup button.
The icon on that button is quite straight forward, in your screenshot, 3 color blocks are separated, means clicking this button will destroy your ClipArt and release its members. If you select non-ClipArt elements, the icon is a canvas with 3 tightly joined color blocks, which means clicking this button will create a ClipArt for your current selection.
You may also check the element id to confirm if a ClipArt is selected or not.
“The checkbox is usually used for tweaking element’s attribute (such as visibility), while “ClipArt” is not an attribute of element. Instead the button actually launch a command to create/destroy a ClipArt element, which is very similar with the Group/Ungroup button.”
That is a technical argument, and I doubt that any users will know the difference from an attribute and the launch of a command. To me visible yes/no and clip art yes/no are similar.
The icon on that button is quite straight forward …
I do not find it straight forward. Maybe the problem begins with the term “Clip Art”, which is not straight forward either. “Interactive” would be a better word, as I do not need to “translate” it into something else.
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It is just like pasting elements on a paper to make a picture, which is very similar with Clip Art.
I understand that, and I suggest that you replace the button with an checkbox called "Interactive" which is checked by default.