
Adding new rows with data to table via behaviors is a great feature.

However, rows that were added via behaviors are not selectable, and all selection mechanizm gets corrupted.

2 answers

I confirm it is a bug. Thanks for reporting, and we will fix it in next release.


Is this fix getting nearer?

  1. Hi Aurel, this has been fixed in V3.0 official release. Please notice that, when you append the new row to table, the table's height will not increase automatically. You will need to enlarge the table with action, or make the table scrollable to see (and select) the newly appended row.
  2. I did exactly the same - enlarged the table with every appended row, but couldn't get the click neither with Element Clicked event, nor with Selection Changed. One remark, though - the table had no rows at all from the start, all the rows were appended at run-time.

    Finally, I had to pre-make the rows, then to populate them with hyperlinks to get the clicks...
  3. Ah, got it! I was trying Table.SelectedColumn - and it is not working...

    Table.SelectedIndex is working and returns the selected row. But I need the column too :-)
  4. Ok...we will support the new property for selected column soon :-)
  5. You forgot to mention that it's fixed in 3.10. Good job, thank you!

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