Export DHTML via GUI
To export your plot as DHTML, just click the "Export DHTML" button in the toolbar or click menu "File->Export DHTML".
Then you need to specify the target directory to store the DHTML. If you input a directory that does not exist, the directory will be created automatically.
The target directory will contain three folders and an "index.htm" file. You can load the "index.htm" file in your web browser after the export, that will equal to run interactive simulation in your web browser.
You can also upload the exported directory to your web site, thus all visitors can review your prototype.
Export DHTML via Command Line:
If you want to perform the DHTML export silently in the background, without showing the GUI, you can use the command below:
executable plotFilePath -Export:DHTML targetDirectoryPath
All parameters are required.